International Trade
Smartfox Books Code: PR87685
$398.00 AUD
Approx $247.16 USD
Approx $247.16 USD
McLaren?s International Trade covers all of the
conventional theory that students are expected to learn, but
presents it in a modern and unique way. Aiming to teach students
how to use economic theory instead of merely
memorizing economic theory, International Trade
introduces each topic with a real-world policy problem followed by
the models and theories in an applied approach. This approach
encourages more student engagement with the material and fosters a
view of model theory as a tool for understanding the world. The
text is designed well for undergraduate students but can be used in
MBA, and Masters of Public Administration courses in international
McLaren?s International Trade covers all of the
conventional theory that students are expected to learn, but
presents it in a modern and unique way. Aiming to teach students
how to use economic theory instead of merely
memorizing economic theory, International Trade
introduces each topic with a real-world policy problem followed by
the models and theories in an applied approach. This approach
encourages more student engagement with the material and fosters a
view of model theory as a tool for understanding the world. The
text is designed well for undergraduate students but can be used in
MBA, and Masters of Public Administration courses in international